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The season is FALL! Its getting cooler, and in early morning you can see your breath. frost is often seen and the days grow shorter
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 How To Advertise and Affiliate

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Mayana Ricochet

Mayana Ricochet

Posts : 284
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Join date : 2010-11-04

How To Advertise and Affiliate Empty
PostSubject: How To Advertise and Affiliate   How To Advertise and Affiliate EmptySun Nov 07, 2010 9:50 am

Well first of all, to advertise your site on ours; you must advertise our site on yours. Otherwise, your thread will be deleted no question.
We don't want you to advertise our site just by posting the link, if you do so; your thread will be deleted.

Please post this as our advertisement;
[size=18][center][color=blue]  Narnia [/color][/center][/size]

 [font=Georgia]]It has been so many years since the white queen was over thrown, her powers forgotten. Alas a decedent of prince Caspian is on the thrown, when the queens septer is re discovered. King Tian did not know what it was, and grasped it in his hand, and immediately he was infected with the lust for power and chaos. With her septor he can restore her power, and rule.

[size=18][center][color=blue] But who will save us?[/color][/center][/size]
 Followers of Aslan, the Seekers, search to find a vial which long ago Queen Lucy used to heal, rather than wait for King Peter and his siblings to return.

[size=18][center][color=blue] Seekers and the Quest[/color][/center][/size]
It is hidden some were and the seekers must find it so they can heal King Tian, so that justice may rule once again. But now they only have hints to its placement.

[size=18][center][color=blue]Those who wish destruction and Chaos[/color][/center][/size]
There are people who wish this reign of chaos. They are called the Hoard. They too search for the vial, only too destroy it and let King Tian continue to become evil and plotting.

[color=red][center] But can it heal the Dark King's corrupted heart?[/center][/color]

To top it all off The Golden Lion seems to have vanished, preferring the inhabitants of his realm to learn a lesson, and discover the truth...
[center][color=blue][size=24]About Narnia.[/size][/color][/center]

The Seekers and the Hoard will battle for Chaos or Justice,
[size=12][center][color=blue]Who will you help? [/color][/center][/size][/font]
[size=24][center][color=red]NARNIA RPG[/center][/color][/size]
Failure to do as we ask here, will result in your thread being deleted. Remember to post a link both to your site, and to where you advertise ours on yours. If you don't, your thread will be deleted.

To affiliate with us, all you need to do is state in your thread title the name of your site, followed by "affiliation".
Example: "Mythworld RPG, Affiliation"
From there, all you need to do is post a link to your site and to where you've posted our affiliate. Failure to do so will result in not being affiliated with us.

If you would like to have a picture that you click on in the affiliations thread (and you know how to do so) fill this out


here is our example How To Advertise and Affiliate Th_narnia22

Note: You may post seperate threads for advertisement and affiliation, or post it in one thread. It doesn't matter.

Thank you Smile
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